Is my GSM Gate opener 3g or 4g, how do I tell

GSM is mine 3g or 4g, how do I tell

This is a question everyone is asking these days, because in Australia 3g has been turned off, so how do you tell if your GSM is 3g or 4g.

Easy to tell actually,  open up your GSM unit. Inside you will see a square chip with a number on it.

so here you can see the communications chip. (the big square white one) Write down the number of the chip and go to google, type in the chip number and ask google is it 3g or 4g chip and it will tell you.

How easy is that. .

You would expect that if your GSM is 3g/4g then it would automatically change to 4g and carry on but not so.  You need to check some settings inside the GSM

  • Reset your network settingsYou can reset your network settings by going to Settings, selecting General, and then selecting Reset Network Settings. 
  • Check your eSIMIf you have an eSIM, you can go to Settings, then Mobile, then Mobile Data Options, and then Voice & Data. From there, you can choose 4G and VoLTE On.