"The DIYer’s Secret Weapon: How a Transfer Punch Set Makes Your Metalwork Easier!"
Hi there, Graeme here from Gatehouse Security with another handy DIY tip! If you're a DIY enthusiast, handyman, or fabricator, there’s a tool you might not have in your workshop—but once you do, yo...

Enhance Your Automatic Gate with High-Quality LED Lights
Hi, Graham here again! If you’re like me, you probably love lights—especially bright and shiny ones. Well, I’ve got something that might interest you. Let’s talk about gate lighting! These 12-24V L...

Ahouse Swing Gate Motor Repairs – DIY Fixes & Replacement Parts from Gatehouse Security
Hello, Graeme here again from Gatehouse Security! Today, we’re talking about Ahouse swing gate motors—a popular brand known for its stainless steel construction, durability, and strong performan...

Why Are My Solar Gate Batteries Going Flat In The Morning
Choosing the Right Battery for Your Automatic Gate Opener When it comes to automatic gates, selecting the right battery is crucial for reliable performance. With Australia’s varying and often extre...

Is Your 12V Battery Really Good? The Load Test Explained Many people check their 12V batteries with a voltmeter and see 12 volts, assuming the battery is healthy. But a simple voltage check isn't e...

All About Series And Parallel Battery Connections
Understanding Battery Connections: Series vs. Parallel Batteries are essential for many devices, from gate kits to home energy storage. This post breaks down the two fundamental ways to connect bat...