FREE Online Help With Your Gate Issues.
That's right I am offering a free consultation by email. Yes I will diagnose your gate problems for you by email. All I need is a basic issue and some pictures of the install and position of the mo...
What Happens When You Leave The Manual Unlock Key Open
This is under warranty the customer says This came in this morning form a customer. He wants a replacement under warranty.. We opened it up and this is what we see. It has been full of water.. Wh...
Magnetic Gate Locks: Enhancing the Security of Your Gate System
In today's security-conscious world, ensuring the safety of your property is paramount. Whether you are protecting a residential home, a commercial property, or an industrial site, the strength and...
What Size Gate Post Do I Need For My New Electric Gate.
What size gate post is ok for installing a solar gate. Good question, did you know that most of the gate kits in world are installed on a square 100mm post. That is because most gates in Italy and ...
Why Should I Have A Lock On My Gate..
That is a good question, For security or ??? Whether you have a single swing gate or a double swing gate, it is always good to have a lock installed, and it is not for the reasons you think. Slidin...
Can I Install My Own Solar Or Electric Gate System
Can I install a Gatehouse Kit myself. Yes you can. Do you know that 90% of my customers install my kits themselves, because I do most of the work for them. That's right. I build the kit as the cus...